Good people ask your self this question. Who else wants you to succeed more in life than you? If you don’t put in the necessary work to turn your dreams into reality, then who else will push you? You have to be your own motivating factor. Who’s counting on you more than your self? If you give up or never try, who would be the first person that you let down? Without a doubt, the first person who you will let down will be yourself.

Before you attempt to save anyone else or attempt to help anyone else find their way, you first must remember the golden rule is self preservation. Again, before you attempt to help or save anyone else, you must save & help yourself. You cannot help anyone if your helpless. You cannot teach if you haven’t been taught. Before you lead others to glory, you must first lead yourself to glory.

I’m not saying not to help anyone else out along the way, what I’m saying is, make, sure you find your away first before you attempt to give someone else a hand. Once you are successful & have made your mark, then its okay to reach back & help someone else make their mark. Ask your self this question: Will anyone else help you to succeed before they succeed themselves first? I haven’t seen any professional sports team give up their chance to win a championship game to help the opposing team win a championship game.

Your goals & dreams are your property that’s waiting for you to claim it. So protect your dreams & goals & push yourself to accomplish the things that you most desire. No one else will lose a night of sleep if you don’t accomplish the things that you most desire. No one else cares if they don’t have a vested interest in you. If you don’t make your goals & dreams a reality, no one else will make it a reality for you. If not you, then your goals & dreams will die at the graveyard, just as so many others have & continue to do so.

If only the graveyard residents who are at their final resting place could tell their story about their lost goals that died with many of them. Some of the graveyard residents might say that they lived out their dreams & found their purpose. But the majority of the graveyard residents if could speak would tell you that they wish that they would’ve chased their dreams & goals & had a chance to do things differently. I cant stress this enough good people its important that you don’t let your clock run out without finding your purpose, or without fulfilling your goals, & living your dreams.

“If Not You, Then Who?”

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